Posted by: smilecoach | January 21, 2010

Hiring Talented People

Hiring talented people is important to the success of a company.  On my radio show this week I talked suggested that network marketers should interview people prior to inviting them to join their organization.  Just being able to fog a mirror is not enough. 

During the show I suggested that there are three behavioral dimensions that are important when you are expecting someone to be independent and successful.   They are initiative, accountability and planning/ organization. 

Initiative is the willingness and ability to take action to make things happen.  Accountability is assuming responsibility for successfully completing assignments.  Planning and organization is defined as establishing courses of action to ensure the work is completed efficiently. 

By asking the right questions you can find out if the applicant has the necessary talent in a particular dimension.  Yes you can determine what their life patterns are in each of area by asking insightful questions and listening fully to the response.  Below are some questions you can use to uncover talent in initiative, accountability and planning/organization skills. 

For initiative you can ask-

  • Tell me about ways you have found to make your job easier in the last 6 months?
  • Tell me about a time you were not producing the results you expected, what did you do and what was the outcome? 

For accountability you can ask-

  • What were the criteria for success in your job ?  What did you do to ee the criteria and give me some examples.
  • Give me an example of a time when your work was above standard and a time when it was below standard.  What were some reasons for the differences in performance? 

Planning and organizing you can ask-

  • Tell me about a time when you had to coordinate resources  to complete a complex project.  What did you do and what was the outcome?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to adjust your priorities to make an important meeting?  What did you do and what was the outcome?

I would love to hear if you agree with the behaviors and/or what other questions you would ask.

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